Am I Blue? Blue Man Group Speechless Tour at Popejoy Hall (Review)
Quick response - Wow! Bit longer response - Blue is the new Black! But you're here for the whole enchilada! The most I've known of The Blue Man Group was their iconic blue makeup and one-note expression. I didn't know what to expect when I walked into Popejoy Hall on Tuesday evening. The stage eradicated a gigantic EDM machine. The men entered and began to create music - developing sounds that evoked a different feeling with each note. But one thing was for sure. The evening would not be a boring one. There's something for everyone. They create music with sound samples from the audience. Some were asked to come on stage and take part in the fun. My friend, who joined me for the evening, had fun taking photos with one of the Blue Men after the show in the lobby. Many words could be used to describe this energetic show, but you have to experience it to know what it's all about.
The Blue Man Group Speechless Tour is at Popejoy Hall for two nights only - November 12th-13th. Visit to purchase your tickets.