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November/December 2018 - Between the Pages: Albuquerque Notables and Their Homes

Michael Perlin has followed up his Albuquerque: A City of Towers book with the new Albuquerque Notables and Their Homes. It is a drawing of forty different homes followed by an extensive history of the home with some insight into the Albuquerque icon who inhabited the home. What I found interesting was the history of each – some things I didn’t know.

There is the Simms Residence now Los Poblanos and La Quinta just down the street. Also featured are: the Jonson Gallery, Gutiérrez Hubbell Residence, Tingley Mansion, Lovelace Residence, and many more. Each is lovingly explained with its notable resident. There are all kinds of people and homes in the book. In the back of the book is a bibliography with books of even more information and the author’s explanation of how and why he decided to do this.

It is a great gift for the person who has newly moved to Albuquerque, the person who wants to know more, or the person who needs to know about these beautiful memories. It is important to know why these homes and people were a part of Albuquerque and what they have left us. This will answer the question for me as I drive by, “Who lived in that place?”

PS. Michael’s first book has just won an award from the NM & AZ Book Awards!

Albuquerque Notables and Their Homes

Michael Henry Perlin

Duke City Press


$19.95 (S)

275 pages

This is book review of New Mexico books written by members of the New Mexico Book Co-op. New Mexico books are worth taking a look at in stores, libraries, or online.

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