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October 2018 - Between the Pages: Galisteo Basin & Cerrillos Hills and Legendary Locals: Gallup

I have said it before, Arcadia is to be commended for all kinds of books on local people, places, events, colleges, aviation, high schools, and traditions. Arcadia is now aligned with History Press so if you can’t find it, it wasn’t written – yet. Two new Arcadia books feature very different places in New Mexico – Gallup and Galisteo/Cerrillos. They specialize in historic photos, interviews, and identifying the lost. The Gallup book focuses on the people who made Gallup from the beginning and the people alive now, who keep the traditions going. The Galisteo/Cerrillos book begins with the turquoise and gold mines that really began the settlements. Gallup had coal and lumber to grow on. Galisteo was founded in 1617 while Cerrillos was a new railroad stop in 1880. The first settlers came to Gallup in 1539. Both books talk about the influence of Native Americans. There is a fascination to find out what came before the modern cities. If you are going to either place, get the book first to read up on the history and people. Make sure you go to the Arcadia website,, to find a specific topic.

The Galisteo Basin and Cerrillos Hills

By Paul A. Secord & Homer E. Milford

Arcadia Publishing


$21.99 (S)

128 pages

Legendary Locals: Gallup

By Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Carol Sarath, & Bob Rosebrough

Arcadia Publishing



128 pages

This is book review of New Mexico books written by members of the New Mexico Book Co-op. New Mexico books are worth taking a look at in stores, libraries, or online.

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