August 2018 - Now Showing: 350 Days

As a child, Friday nights were about chicken pot pie and watching wrestling with my father and brothers, a bonding experience I could not forget, especially since my siblings and I would attempt most of the moves we witnessed in the ring. Wrestling has advanced to a more aggressive form of entertainment. Vince McMahon Jr. has turned WWE into a global empire spanning almost 40 years. In that time, children, young and old, have seen their share of wrestling idols that they worshipped. In the new documentary, 350 Days, fans learn about the world they didn’t see. Named after the number of days the average wrestler would be on the road in a year, wrestling legends like Ted Dibiase, “Superstar” Billy Graham, Bret “The Hitman” Hart and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, to name a few, spoke openly about their time in the ring. They share with the viewer the long night on the road, the pain suffered for their craft and the drugs that taken to get through the day. Wendi Richter, who I remembered as a child with Cyndi Lauper and Captain Lou Albano, was just one of the many woman wrestling that has graced WWE (WWF back in the day). Richter talked about her time as well in the ring and the decision of leaving home at the age of 17 when her parents disapproved of her career path. All of the wrestlers involved with the project stated that even with the cramped bus and car rides, the crappy food, and sometimes bad pay, they wouldn’t trade the experience and would do it all over again. 350 Days is a raw, unabashed look into the world of wrestling through the eyes of some of the most well-known, legendary, inspiring players. You will also have the opportunity to get a glimpse into their personal lives now and what life is like after the ring. If you are a fan of wrestling, whether back in the day or new to the party, this documentary is one to see.
